2022 Bathroom Do’s and Dont’s

Most people underestimate how important it is to make their bathroom look stylish and inviting. This is a room you are going to spend time in every day, and it is one of the best places for sheer relaxation. After all, who doesn’t love a big bubble bath? But if your bathroom is not decorated nicely it almost takes away part of the fun. With that in mind, if you’re looking for a home decoration project to embark on in 2022, a bathroom makeover is a great choice! Below, we will look at some do’s and don’ts to help you get started.

DON’T assume you need to break the bank to make changes

There are lots of great ways you can add some style to your bathroom. Of course, there are lots of expensive options you can go for, which can involve a massive upheaval in terms of your bathroom being dug up and new things being installed. However, it does not need to be this complicated. Small changes and finishing touches can make a bigger impact than you may realise, creating a stunning, luxurious bathroom. It all depends on your budget and your goals. Of course, if you can afford a bathroom remodel, this is going to bring you the best possible results.

DO open up your bathroom with a beautiful mirror

One of the best methods is simply through buying a gorgeous bathroom mirror. A lot of people simply opt for a standard rectangular mirror with no design and no stand-out feature. This adds nothing to the overall image of your bathroom. And it is a great shame because there are so many fantastic bathroom mirrors available on the internet at the moment. You can choose between backlit mirrors, LED mirrors, infinity mirrors, bordered mirrors, illuminated mirrors, and uniquely shaped mirrors.

Infinity mirrors are one of the most unique options available today and they definitely have an artistic vibe associated with them. One of the reasons so many people like this type of mirror is because it can actually make your bathroom look a lot bigger. It plays around with the illusion of space to a dramatic effect. So, if you have a small bathroom this is an option you should certainly be contemplating. Nonetheless, these mirrors look great in bigger bathrooms too. They are a statement piece and thus the first thing people are likely to notice when they enter the room.

Aside from this you can opt for a bordered mirror. This is simply a mirror with a beautiful border around the outside; adding style and personality to the piece. This is a recommended option because it is likely to be a lot cheaper than the other mirrors available incorporating light. Nonetheless, a bordered mirror is also a great choice because it gives you the greatest scope to play around with different styles. You can add colors to your mirror, with black borders being a popular choice at the moment. Furthermore, it presents you with the chance to add some patterns into your bathroom too.

And finally, another very well-liked choice at the moment is to go for an LED mirror. This is one of the most striking interior trends available on the market today. This can truly give your bathroom that VIP edge. If you take a look online you will be shocked by the diverse patterns created through using LED lighting. You will see beautiful spotlights around the edges of mirrors, stunning floral border patterns, and contemporary minimalistic designs. If you are looking for the ‘wow’ factor then you’ve found it with this product.

DON’T assume that a standard bath is your only option

Have you considered adding a hot tub to your new bathroom? Perhaps you want somewhere to unwind after work? Maybe you suffer from arthritis or sleep deprivation and you have heard about the benefits of hydrotherapy? No matter what applies, there is no doubt that you will want to find a good value hot tub. After all, no one wants to spend extra money unnecessarily!

First and foremost, when buying a cheap hot tub, it is critical to make sure it is not cheap for a reason. Before price even comes into consideration, quality should be the first thing that is on your mind. After all, if you buy cheap hot, which is cheap because it is of a poor standard, you are only going to spend more in the long run when it comes to replacing parts, repairs, and, eventually, replacing the hot tub. It’s best to consult with your bathroom remodeling contractors too.

So, what should you be looking out for? The jetting system tends to be one of the main indicators of quality; after all, it is likely you want a hot tub to benefit from incredible hydro-massages. Instead of counting the number of jets, which a lot of people mistakenly believe is the best approach, you need to consider their type, quality, and placement. Aside from this, you should always do a bit of digging online about the hot tubs you are considering. It is important to see what other owners have had to say about the hot tub in question. Were they satisfied? If there are lots of negative reviews, you need to ask yourself why. Finally, you should never purchase a hot tub for your bathroom if it does not come with a warranty. This ensures your purchase is protected; after all, even the best hot tubs can break.

DO consider running costs

Is the shower or bath you are considering genuinely cheap? What we mean by this is that you do not only have the sale price to consider, but you have the running costs to bear in mind.

A cheap jet bath can soon become expensive if it is not efficient to run. This means that you need to look at the elements that have an influence on efficiency. In terms of whirlpools and such like, the first thing you need to take a look at is the pump and the jetting system. It is vital that they are efficient.

A lot of people make the mistake of simply assessing the horsepower of the tub. But, horsepower is no good if your jetting system cannot handle it.

DON’T underestimate the importance of finishing touches

There are lots of finishing touches you should consider! You may want to consider adding some artwork to your bathroom if you want something that is stylish and dramatic. This is a great way to add some personality too. Or, what about some indoor plants? Not only do they look great but they will enhance the air quality in the bathroom too, making it a much more comfortable place to be in.

DO consider a freestanding basin

A bathroom is often one of the trickiest rooms in the house to decorate. This is because practicality comes to the forefront in comparison to style potential. Nevertheless, a freestanding basin offers the perfect blend between the two. Of course, the practicality is evident because a freestanding basin functions as any other does. Nevertheless, this type of basin offers so much more in the form of style potential compared to others, such as wall-hung basins.

If you have a look on the internet now you will see that the range of freestanding basins is vast and diverse. This means that you are bound to find a style of basin that suits the style of your current bathroom as well as your own personal taste. Not only this, but you will also be able to find unusual and quirky freestanding basins. These are ideal for those who are looking to add a statement piece to their bathroom and make their basin the center of attention. This wide scope of choice is not possible when it comes to other types of basins. The reason for this is that they possess more limitations. For instance, a wall hung basin has design limitations as one side needs to be fixed to the wall therefore it must be straight. In addition to this, it cannot be too heavy otherwise it could damage the wall too.

Another reason why freestanding basins are growing in popularity is that they make better utilization of space. This is because they can literally be placed anywhere in the bathroom. If you have a small bathroom then you can easily and neatly place your sink in the corner of the room so that it does not take up too much space. This is why they have become so popular with families especially. When you welcome a baby into the world, it can feel like your house has suddenly gotten ten times smaller. This is especially the case when it comes to the bathroom, as you are going to have so many different baby supplies that you did not have before. From washable nappies to baby wipes, the list is endless. With a bit of rearranging, though, and the help of a freestanding basin, you can make sure there is more room for storage in this space.

Nonetheless, freestanding basins are probably even more beneficial for those with large bathrooms. If you have a big bathroom then it can be quite difficult to design the area effectively as you don’t know what to do with the big gaps and spaces. Nevertheless, you can buy freestanding basins that are large in size and captivating in design. These will distract from any spaces in the room. Not only this, but because they do not have to be placed against the wall, they offer a better way of breaking up the large area as well.

You have the flexibility to design your bathroom as suits you with freestanding basins

A final point worth bearing in mind is the level of flexibility freestanding basins provide. Not everybody wants their basin to become the center of attraction, and you certainly don’t have to. In fact, as well as offering the potential to be a statement piece, your sink can just as easily allow other bathroom elements the opportunity to shine. For example, you may wish to buy a glamorous freestanding bath. You don’t need to worry about a complete design overhaul. After all, as your sink is freestanding it can easily be moved out of the way. This makes life a lot easier and is especially beneficial for those who like to change their interior all of the time.

DON’T overlook the importance of planning

Last but not least, one area where a lot of people go wrong when it comes to their bathroom remodel is the planning stage. You really cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to this. A lot of people simply dive right in and start the construction process without carefully measuring the room and considering the different options that are available. However, when you do this, mistakes are made and you live to regret it.

As most bathrooms can be small in size, they do require careful planning and consideration. You need to make sure that you take the time to measure all parts of your bathroom and consider your storage options carefully too. Vanity units can make a good choice because they combine a basin and storage in one so that you have more space available to you.

Final words on do’s and don’ts for your bathroom in 2022

So there you have it: everything that you need to know about what you should and should not do when it comes to designing your bathroom in 2022! We hope that the tips and advice that we have provided you with above will help you to create your dream bathroom. If you have any queries or you would like to get started with a bathroom renovation, please do not hesitate to get in touch for more details

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